Software Dev

 Technotes

Looking for some tips on tricky Apple development issues like refactoring your storyboard, customizing the appearance of UINavigationBar, or an overview of the iOS Wi-Fi API?

Get it straight from the source on the new Apple Technotes.

Technotes are focused, timely documents from Apple Developer Technical Support. They explore a wide range of development topics and provide guidance for developers creating apps and accessories for all of Apple’s platforms.

Via iOS Dev Weekly.

Software Dev

Getting Started with Instruments

Has there ever been a more powerful, but under-utilised tool than Instruments?

Instruments is a tool included with Xcode that helps you analyze, profile, and debug your live iOS app. Solve memory leaks. Visualize memory. Monitor disk, network, memory, and battery usage. You can even find zombies. 🧟‍♂️

It lets you do incredible things but is also overwhelming to new developers, in which case this Ray Wenderlich tutorial can come in pretty handy.

👉 Getting Started with Instruments

There’s also an Apple WWDC presentation with this same name. 😆

Visual Memory Debugger

Via iOS Dev Weekly.